Let me set the scene. It's morning. I'm standing at my kitchen counter, lucid but groggy holding a box of Post Raisin Bran. I set down the bowl, flip open the box and start pouring my cereal. Then, like a scene from ARACHNOPHOBIA, a live spider jumps out of the bowl, onto the counter and starts darting around. I scream, immediately, like someone has severed one of my limbs, and toss the box, cereal flying EVERYWHERE. My reaction was knee-jerk and irrational. I don't stay up at night terrified of spiders, but when I encounter one, I am paralyzed by irrational fear and start screeching. Why? I'm a million times bigger than this little thing. I think it's because they move so quickly. Is that technically arachnophobia or is it just natural? My nerves are shot for the day.