Friday, February 8, 2008

Music Friday...STOLEN!

So, to rip off my friend Jonathan and his Forgotten Beatitudes blog, it's MUSIC FRIDAY!  I'm not really stealing it, because I don't think it'll become a REGULAR thing.  Everyone who knows me knows I can't keep up with anything consistently.  I have the attention span of a gerbil.  Regardless, it is with much love, respect and admiration that I pocketed this idea from him.  Please do me a favor and visit his blog, he's a genius wordsmith and funny as hell.  Plus, it's LENT, so some beatitudes just might do you good. BACK TO THE MUSIC!  Ok, so there's a singer/songwriter named Nina Nastasia performing in Springfield tonight.  I downloaded some of her songs, and DAAAAAMN.  Good stuff.  I can't wait.  I'm trying to convince my nephew Bryce to come with me, but it's not really his kind of music.  Take a look at her performing 'Stormy Weather' here:

1 comment:

QuakerJono said...

You don't have to steal. YOU NEVER HAVE TO STEAL.

I gift this to you and hope you'll be a lot more consistent about it than I've been.

Good stuff, by the way.