Sunday, March 30, 2008

rainy sunday

As if we needed any more rain! Skipped church because I just didn't feel like leaving the house to face the torrential downpour. Slept in until 10:30 or so, woke up to Lola grumbling at me. She lets me know when 'sleeping in' turns to sheer laziness. Made coffee, took my vitamins and curled up on the couch for my Sunday ritual of watching Breakfast at Tiffany's. It's one of the only movies I never get tired of. You'd think watching it every Sunday would get old, but it doesn't. Was supposed to do some landscaping in the backyard with my folks today, but with the weather as it is, those plans have been foiled. I have a lot of computer work to do anyway, so if nothing else, I'll keep busy. I should get dressed now. If I don't, I'll stay in my pajamas all day. And we all know, nothing good will come from that. I need to sort out some boxes of Luigi's junk in the garage. I have milk crates full of marketing material that needs to be organized and put away. We'll see how much I get accomplished. If I stick to those two tasks (milk crates and computer work) I might be successful. If I add anything else to the list, NOTHING will get done. Crazy business. I need more coffee.

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